
And Betty when you call me...

Commentary on my first two posts:

Why on earth did Al Gore appear in my first two... now three messages?

There can only be one explanation: He is sending subliminal messages during College Football games and on the Food Network.

There is no other explanation.

No, there is one more. I'm on the internet a lot at work. In fact, I'm on the internet right now. Here I thought the world wide web and electronic mail were convenient information sharing utilities. Now I realize that it is just a subtle tool free from regulations designed to send out subliminal messages cleverly crafted to get me to think about Al Gore all day. After all, he did invent it.

It's an inconvenient truth.

Which is worse: Individual mind control or global destruction?

This much I know, future posts will feature a minimum of 30% post-consumer free range antibiotic, BALCO, and Al Gore mind control free content.

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